Ulverston Victoria High School

We are an 11-18 school in the lovely Cumbrian market town of Ulverston surrounded by fells and beaches on the scenic Furness Peninsula. Our oversubscribed school is a very popular choice for parents who tell us that their children feel safe, make good progress in their learning and that the school is well led and managed. Students, teachers, parents and governors regularly express their pride in their school.

Our students of all abilities and backgrounds come from communities across the area. Although we enjoy International School status, we are particularly proud to be Ulverston’s secondary school and we know that the town is proud to have an exceptional school at its heart.

We are seen as a school that retains the traditional values and standards that have characterised successful schools through time which are coupled with a desire to explore innovative new practices in education.

Contact Details:

Head Teacher: Mr D Fay

Address: Springfield Road, Ulverston, Cumbria LA12 0EB

Tel: 01229 483900

Email: uvhs@uvhs.uk

Website: www.uvhs.uk

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