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Welcome to Ulverston BID
Choose Ulverston APP
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The BID are looking for new members, to join the board of Directors.
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Welcome to Ulverston BID
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About the BID

What is a Business Improvement District?

BID Board

Click to see members on the BID board.

Our Objectives

View the objectives the BID will deliver on.

Current Projects

Find out about the current BID projects.

Get Involved

Have a say on how funding should be spent.

Apply for a grant

View the grant application guidelines and apply.

Ulverston BID

Welcome to the Ulverston BID

What is a Business Improvement District?

A Business Improvement District (BID) is a precisely defined geographical area of a town, city, or commercial district where business ratepayers are invited to vote to invest collectively in local improvements that are additional to those currently provided by local government.

Business ratepayers are asked to vote on an additional levy that, if supported, will be collected in a ring-fenced account and then used to finance the delivery of projects, services and activities detailed in their own Business Plan.

Click here to see Projects and Funding activities

“I think the BID is a fantastic idea. It gives local people an opportunity to make a difference in our community. We will be able to spend this extra revenue to add value to make Ulverston an even more vibrant destination. local people know where we need to invest and have a greater interest in the outcome, rather than government bodies investing in the wrong areas and wasting money! When it is our money we can spend it where it is needed we MAKE THE CHOICE.”

ANITA GARNETT, Ulverston Brewing Company

Latest BID News

Choose Ulverston APP

Choose Ulverston APP

Choose Ulverston is the new app promoting businesses and encouraging local spending. The app is set to be launched on… Read more

About the BID

About the BID

Why Does Ulverston need a BID?

BIDs are business-led initiatives taking advantage of government legislation that gives local businesses the power to raise their own funds to spend on their priorities in order to improve their trading environment. Ulverston BID is an investment scheme where local businesses collectively agree on the priorities and how to invest their money to benefit themselves, their staff, their customers and, as a consequence, the town as a whole.

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01229 666069

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