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The Ulverston BID is managed by the Ulverston BID Company, a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, with its own ring fenced accounts, and with membership open to nomination and election from all businesses, organisations and individuals contributing through the BID levy. This will ensure that the control, delivery and responsibility for the BID sit firmly with the business community itself. The BID company will be a constituted body consisting of 8 – 12 Directors who in turn will elect a Chairperson.
Do you want to have a say in how the £100,000 levy is used?
Do you want to be part of the team that shapes Ulverston’s future?
Do you have vision and creative aspirations for the town?
The BID are looking for new members, to join the board of Directors.
If you are a levy payer and actively want to help shape the future of Ulverston then fill in the application form below.
The income required to deliver a 5-year programme of investment within the Ulverston BID area comes from a levy paid for by businesses.
At present the levy brings in excess of £100,000 per annum.
How this money is spent is decided by the BID board.
If you contribute to this levy you are entitled to apply to sit on the board of directors and have your say on how the money is spent.
The board is made up of representatives from:
- Big Businesses
- Small and Medium sized businesses
- Retail
- Hospitality
- Schools
- Charities
This is what motivates Jan Heffernan who has been a member of the board for the past 5 years:
I represent Ulverston schools on the board, but as well as bringing the school perspective and providing a link between BID and this important sector in the town, I represent myself, my family, and my fellow citizens of Ulverston. There are huge benefits that can be achieved by collective working. The BID includes different business sectors communicating with each other to understand how they can help each other and thrive because of each other’s input. It is an aspirational vision and it only works if we have innovative and creative people on the board to drive it. I believe strongly that BID has a chance to make a real difference to how Ulverston shapes its, and its citizens’ futures.
Sarah Mammatt, from The Northern Line, encourages you to take part!
Being part of the BID board for the last couple of years has been really rewarding. It is great to be part of a group of people who are working hard to deliver innovative projects which really help the business and wider communities of Ulverston. I would recommend being part of the board to any local businessperson, as it gives them a chance to help make positive improvements to the town community.