Roxy Collective forms to purchase The Roxy building and launches a Crowd Funding campaign!

The Roxy Collective has been formed by a group of local people to purchase the Roxy building and maintain the businesses which are already there: The iconic Roxy Cinema, world renowned Laurel and Hardy Museum, the U-Gym Ulverston and 808010 Productions.

The most urgent first task is to purchase the freehold of the building. When the building is secured, work will start to restore it, opening up more spaces for the community and making it fully accessible for everybody.

Ulverston Town Council has granted The Roxy Collective the sum of £50,000 towards the project, which is just over a quarter of the asking price. The project has the full cooperation of the current owners. The Roxy Collective is now well placed to move forward but urgently needs the support of the community and business to make it happen. Mayor of Ulverston Cllr Bob Brown said:

“Ulverston Town Council is delighted to support The Roxy Collective in its plans to purchase and restore this much loved and iconic building and secure it for the town. We were very pleased to be able to offer a £50,000 grant towards the total purchase price of the building, which has come from our Community Infrastructure levy pot of funding; this is a levy on developers who build locally and can be used for capital projects such as this. We wish The Roxy Collective committee every success as they bid for other grants and I hope that this appeal to the community through a crowd funding initiative is highly successful as well. It will really show other funders how important this building is to the community”

The Roxy Collective will be holding an open drop-in session 6 pm – 9 pm on Thursday 21st of April. Come visit them at The Laurel & Hardy Museum to learn more!

Future Of The Roxy – Crowd Funder link

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