Sir John Barrow Monument on Hoad hill was filled with “soul tingling seasonal songs” on Sunday when the annual ‘Yule Sing Hoad’ was held in the iconic landmark.
Following a successful launch last year, community musician Kirsten Taylor hosted the second Yule Sing Hoad event on Sunday. The event attracted over thirty singing enthusiasts, who, braving the cold wintry weather, sung a mix of traditional carols and popular Christmas songs in the acoustically rich surroundings of the folly lighthouse.
Host Kirsten Taylor explained: “The shape and height of the space within the Monument creates a wonderful acoustic effect and it is a real treat for people to have the opportunity to sing there. The event is all about enthusiasm for singing – you don’t have to be an expert or world class to take part; the important thing is to enjoy it.”
Kirsten runs Song Birds singing group in Ulverston, organising a wide variety of singing activities in the town, including ‘Good Tones’ community singing sessions and therapeutic ‘Singing for the Brain’ sessions for people with dementia.
Click on the link below to see a video of Yule Sing Hoad:
If you would like to know more about the event or other community singing sessions in Ulverston, visit the Song Birds website: songbirdsonsong.webs.com
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