Little Beasties

Little Beasties Pet Shop Ulverston

The pet shop caters for all animals including cats and dogs, people often think we “just sell lizards” but that couldn’t be further from the truth. We sell small animals like mice and hamsters, rabbits, guinea pigs, small birds, tropical and cold water fish and then the reptiles too. We are currently expanding the shop to sell more tropical and cold water fish and have a good fishing bait range that’s growing too.

It says a little about the re-homing we do, this is a big passion of ours, we believe if you sell or re-home an animal you should always take it back if the person can no longer keep it. Most of the animals we get are not originally from us but are usually from back yard breeders, impulse Facebook purchases, other shops or from the RSPCA, as we work closely with them to help animals in our area and further afield.

We provide a pet holiday service where all kinds of animals (no cats or dogs) can come stay with us even if they are not originally from us. We like to think we provide a “home from home” and again pride ourselves on the quality of care we provide.

The animal encounter visits we do are another thing we love! Teaching all ages about animals and how to care for them or why we should, how important their lives are is very important to us. We visit nurseries, schools, youth clubs, care homes, groups such as brownies and cubs as well as visiting groups of adults. We also have lots of experience working with children and adults who have learning or physical difficulties.

Opening Times:

Monday – Friday: 10am – 5pm
Saturday: 10am – 4pm

Contact Details

The Old Bar, The Auction Mart, North Lonsdale Terrace, Ulverston LA12 9AU

Call: 01229 582220




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