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Blooming Ulverston Trail
The BID has created it’s latest Town Centre Trail to Celebrate 60 years of the RHS Britain in Bloom.
This year, 2024, marks the 60th anniversary of Britain in Bloom. Over six decades, millions of people have participated, enabling them to get to know their neighbours, make new friends and forge stronger community networks.
“The 60th anniversary is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate community gardening,” says Kay Clark, RHS Community Development Manager. “The theme for this milestone year is ‘friendship’. Gardening brings people together and enriches lives. Social connections are fundamental to good health and wellbeing, and for the Bloom 60th anniversary, we’ll be celebrating the friendships and social benefits forged through plants and gardening.”
The BID are again Britain in Bloom Finalist and will be Judged on August 14th 2024 in the UK BID Category. We hope you all enjoy the Trail starting Friday 19th July 2024, Maps have been delivered to the Schools but will be available from Pure, Laurel n Hardy Museum, Appleseeds & The Hive.
07/19/24 08:18:am